How much do you need to earn to pay tax in South Africa?

The following tax thresholds apply to South African individuals for the 2023/24 tax year

If you are younger than 65
you do not need to pay income tax if you earn less than R95,750
If you are 65 or younger than 75 years
you do not need to pay income tax if you earn less than R148,217
If you are 75 or older
you do not need to pay income tax if you earn less than R165,689

Do you need to register for income tax?

If your income exceeds the tax thresholds, then you will need to register as a tax payer with SARS.

You will need to register with SARS.

Do you need to submit a tax return?

You do not need to submit a tax return if

  • your employment income was less than R500 000 in a year
  • you did not receive any allowance - such as travel allowance - from your employer
  • you were only employed by one employer
  • the total amount of interest received is less than R23’800 if you are younger than 65 or less than R34’500 if you are older than 65


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